In 2023 we plan to

Expand operations to hire 1000+ people across Italy

Accelerate the development of young Italian talent with free coding and training programs

Reduce the technological gender gap with scholarships through Coding Women Sicily

Reverse the trend of losing local talent to other European nations, enabling our workforce to stay in Italy

Inject the presence of American investment and opportunities across the country

Place Italy at the center of European global innovation and development

A Bridge of Talent to Connect Companies and Opportunies.

With Edgemony, we support some of the largest tech companies in the United States in the development and production of in-house products through resources operating in the fields of IT, Software Development, and Product Management.

A Fiercely Competitive Global Labor Market.

Over the past two decades, with top talent moving to VC-funded startups, it has become exceedingly difficult for companies to build teams, scale, and expand—those looking to succeed need to think beyond conventional sources.

Extraordinary Talent In Palermo, Italy.

In search of a solution to labor shortages, Leo Rocco, Founder & CEO of R5 Labs, initially hired five people from Palermo, Italy. We discovered a talent pool that was brilliant, proud, loyal, and detail-oriented. Expanding that team, we hired 30 people, focusing on product managers, developers, architects, user experience testers, and engineers.

“We have identified the Italian market as one of the most talented pools in the field of software engineering.”

– Leo Rocco, CEO of R5 Labs

Ciao Italia. The Future of Digital Transformation.

At R5 Labs, in tandem with River Capital Group Holdings, we see Italy as the world’s next digital product development hub. Our goal is to bring the dream of Silicon Valley to Italy by fostering and nurturing talent across the country.

Our Plan

Expand operations to hire 1000+ people across Italy

Accelerate the development of young Italian talent with free coding and training programs

Reduce the technological gender gap with scholarships through Coding Women Sicily

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Reverse the trend of losing local talent to other European nations, enabling our workforce to stay in Italy

Inject the presence of American investment and opportunities across the country


Place Italy at the center of European global innovation and development

Expand operations to hire 1000+ people across Italy

Accelerate the development of young Italian talent with free coding and training programs

Reduce the technological gender gap with scholarships through Coding Women Sicily

Reverse the trend of losing local talent to other European nations, enabling our workforce to stay in Italy

Inject the presence of American investment and opportunities across the country

Place Italy at the center of European global innovation and development

R5 Labs In Action

Leo Rocco on "Elevating Italy's Role as a Global Technology Talent Provider," Turin. 2022

R5 Turin 2022

In Turin, Italy, CEO Leo Rocco introduced R5 Labs to the world with his highly-received presentation. He laid out a bold vision for the future of digital transformation in Italy and how R5 Labs intends to invest in its people to make this dream a reality.

Photos from the Palermo conference & workshop where we presented R5 Labs to the community.

Upcoming Conference

Milan, Italy, Oct 2024

Product Heroes Conference
Milan, Italy, Oct 2024

Join extraordinary professionals from leading transformational companies like Uber, Google, and Airbnb at the Product Heroes Conference 2024 in Milan, Italy, this October. The event will feature 8 international speakers and 12 Italian CPOs, offering invaluable insights into product development.

Connect with 500 other attendees, including product managers, designers, developers, and entrepreneurs, and learn industry strategies, opportunities, and techniques to advance your career in product management.

Sign up for the waitlist:

Click here for early ticket access and a special registration price.